Monday, 28 December 2009

Gathering storm clouds

A quick post to kick the blog off and gather my thoughts prior to the start of Epic camp. I'll put together a more in depth look at my goals, fears and feelings tomorrow but for now I will only say that I am excited and worried in equal measures.

For those who dont know, Epic Camp is a training camp run by a trio of former professional triathletes based in New Zealand. The initial aim was to create something very special, something that would be above and beyond the remit of a 'normal' training camp. Something that would leave attendees with long lasting physiological and psychological consequences (for the good ;-)

For 2010, the organisers decided to do something special and put together a two week camp cycling the entire length of New Zealand (2300km) with a fair amount of swimming (26km) and running (100km) thrown in for good measure.

Epic Camp:NZ'10

Here is the rough map showing the daily stages:

as i said, excited and worried..........

more details tomorrow.

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